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Why your company can't sell AI

An AI generated hand with too many fingers


(Full disclosure - I'm an IT Sales and Marketing consultant. )

The world seems, 目前,到处都是试图利用人工智能革命的小型IT提供商. 

Riding on a wave of popularity, large numbers of software companies sprang up over the last few years, 都在为人工智能和机器学习开发新的解决方案,这显然会给工作和商业世界带来革命性的变化. 

And it doesn't seem to have happened. 

即使是埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)这样的名人本周向瑞希·苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)讲授人工智能,也没有人说这是白天, 我看着窗外——十大网博靠谱平台人工智能取代大量工作或被用于邪恶目的的预测似乎都没有成真. 

十大网博靠谱平台大学最近的一项调查显示,在十大网博靠谱平台的1500家公司中, ranging from SMEs to large Corporates, only 1% had an intention to consider "AI" in the next 12 months. (顺便说一句,我感兴趣的主要方向是数字化转型.) 

Looking at Linkedin, the internet in general and the press, 所有十大网博靠谱平台人工智能和现实的噪音之间似乎完全没有关联. 

So was it all just hype ? 

Smoke and mirrors

After you've been in IT for some time - in my case, 30 years, 你就会开始意识到,绝大多数的IT预测和预测都是虚幻的. Catchphrases, 诸如“数字化转型”之类的词汇层出不穷,令人沮丧——这是最新的流行语. 

Anyone talking about the Metaverse any more ? 

Public perception of AI

The general public have no real idea of what AI is.... neither does the world of commerce. 人工智能不再是一个积极的卖点——高速处理大量数据集——而是变成了, really, a joke and a buzz word which no one really understands. 炒作已经超过了实用性——每个人都在努力推动“人工智能”——并消失在人群中. 

“人工智能”基本上被认为是一种神秘的、过度炒作的东西 .... suspicious. 

AI isn't new

Believe it or not, "Artificial intelligence" isn't new. Really, 人工智能唯一的新鲜之处在于这个词本身的普及——这个词最初是在1952年创造的,用来描述一个国际象棋程序, 多年来,“人工智能”一直被用来描述图灵机——一种可能欺骗观察者,使其相信自己正在与人类交谈的机器, rather than a machine. 如果你最近尝试过与人工智能聊天机器人交谈,那么这一切都与“计算机即大脑”的概念有微妙的联系, you'll realise we're a long way off that. 

Back in 2009, 我在销售“预测分析”解决方案,试图检测购物者潜在的购买模式. Theoretically, this could have been described as AI, 但如果你在任何购物网站上看到你的购物建议,或者在Facebook上看到“你可能喜欢”的建议, 你可能也会得出结论,人工智能在这个领域还有很长的路要走.

All AI is is, really, 基于对多个数据源的询问而得出结论的一系列加权决策. This is just, really, a fundamental of computing, 这并没有什么特别的——只是现在计算机的速度和互联性意味着可以处理更多的数据源,并在人类可接受的时间内执行底层代码. 

AI has a commercial use. So. How do you sell it ? 

Stop trying to sell "AI".... sell a solution.

And here we come to the meat of the article. 

简而言之:如果你把公司定位为销售“一款人工智能应用”,那么你就是个失败者. 你将消失在一群潜在的供应商中,他们都提供了一个过度炒作和误解的术语. 

It's far better to sell a solution instead. 

By way of example, 让我们以一家每天要处理数千份简历的招聘机构为例, and then match them to a list of thousands of vacancies. Obviously a software solution is needed, and "an intelligent one" as well. (Dangerous term, "intelligence". It's not "intelligent" in human terms, 它只是根据一套程序化的规则和决定而更具选择性.) 

Now, that's a useful solution. 从理论上讲,它应该是有市场的,对任何大型招聘机构都很有用. 

Until you slap a big "AI" label on it. Then it becomes something suspicious, 对大多数人来说是难以理解和无法理解的,而且与你所有其他“人工智能”竞争对手没有区别. 

If, however, you sell it as "having massive processing power, 有了一个选择引擎,你可以在几秒钟内无缝、轻松地将候选人与工作匹配起来,然后你就可以展示商业用途了. 

Rather than presenting something which "looks like a load of old hype", you've sold the benefits of the solution. Which is what you're trying to do. 

Take a consultative approach

十大网博靠谱平台AI的另一件从未被提及的事情是,它从来不是一种“放之四海而皆准”的方法. 任何AI / ML引擎都必须使用正确的数据和决策权重进行训练..... this costs time and money. 

如果你想用“Bonzo是AI的神奇狗”的方法来推销解决方案, 你会遇到一个问题,当它发现它不是一个立即插入解决所有的问题在一夜之间. 

除非你想吸引潜在客户,但之后却让他们失望. Set out your store, "our client list includes" and "case study, we save £1m over three months." 

Why not include a savings calculator as well ?

In conclusion

No two doubts, 通过提高自动化和智能数据处理的效率,人工智能可以极大地造福企业. 


Sell the solution, not "AI" per se. AI has a dubious reputation caused by massive hype. Sell the benefits in terms of money and time saved, show how their competitors have benefitted, 提前告诉他们解决方案是为他们定制的,这需要时间和投资, but will afford them a competitive edge when it's completed. 

You sell a car by showing it's a desirable and useful investment.... 不是通过谈论特殊的化油器,其他人都试图(可疑地)改变某种原因. 


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