

财政大臣的秋季报告被认为是战略性的, 阻止在春季预算中大幅减税. 然而, the tech sector and regional economies saw some positive outcomes, 主要是通过对AI和R的进一步投资&D税收抵免,支持创业和扩大规模. 

Headline announcements also included a commitment to supply-side reforms with intention to increase productivity and growth and encourage business investment. There were a number of regional announcements for investment to support business growth, 再加上有关进一步下放权力的新闻. Accompanying policy documents signal intention to deepen future devolution settlements for existing MCAs. 


“There are quite a few positives to come out of today’s Autumn Statement announcements which will support our regional tech sector. These include a further £500m committed to fund more innovation centres for AI and simplified R&D Credits, as well as making full expensing permanent for all businesses. 

“We also welcome the extra £50m funding over two years for apprentices in engineering and other high growth sectors. 然而, we believe that this must be accompanied by Apprenticeship Levy reform if we are to ensure that apprenticeships are successful, 可扩展性和吸引力的公司在各个发展阶段.

“总的来说, we would have liked to have seen more policies which enable all businesses and all workers to adopt digital technologies and opportunities for upskilling. 我们地区的科技产业非常强大, 在正确的政策下呢, can deliver an important boost to the local economy and create levers and opportunities to lift up the whole region.”

We have outlined the key announcements which affect the tech sector and our region below: 


R&D税收抵免:现有的R&D Expenditure Credit and Small and Medium Enterprise Scheme will be merged from April 2024. Treasury will reduce the burden on loss-making firms from 25% to 19%, and the intensity threshold reduced from 40% to 30% for access to a new merged scheme – expected to benefit a further 5,000中小企业

Mansion House Reforms: The Chancellor announced commitment to delivering on the Mansion house reforms to establish new investment vehicles which will support innovative Science and Technology companies. This includes establishing a new Growth Fund within the British Business Bank, to help unlock an extra £75 billion of financing for high-growth companies by 2030 while providing benefits to pension savers. 

“环境影响报告书”和“自愿交换”计划将延长至2035年, 未来基金将获得额外的5000万英镑.

Compute: Building on the Compute Review and earlier investments in capacity, there will be £500m available over the next two years to create two new innovation centres; to accelerate more AI capacity and capability.

Spin-out Review: Following yesterdays’ publication of the University Spin-Out Review, the Government has committed £20 million to fund inter-disciplinary research, 对创新科技公司来说,哪一点更有吸引力. 

Creative industries: Government has launched a short consultation on Tax Relief in the Visual Effects industry.

Business taxes - Full expensing on investment for businesses made permanent, costing £11bn per year with an aim to increase incentives to invest.


Apprentices - £50m over two years to increase the number of apprentices in engineering and key growth sectors. 


Investment Zones: Government increased the tax relief timescales for existing Investment Zones and Freeports, and announced further Investment Zones in Greater Manchester (埋葬), 西米德兰兹和东米德兰兹. 投资区也被扩展到威尔士和苏格兰. Greater Manchester’s Investment Zone will focus on advanced manufacturing and materials across Manchester, 索尔福德, 洛奇代尔, 埋葬, 奥尔德姆和更广阔的城市地区, 由First石墨烯公司投资, Kadant, Werit和Hydrograph价值超过1000万英镑.

Tax reliefs – Investment Zones and Freeports:  will be extended from 5 years to 10 years in IZs and Freeports, and a new £150 million Investment Opportunity Fund will support them to secure specific business investment opportunities. 

Devolution: Further Devolution Deals were announced in Hull and East Yorkshire; Lancashire; Greater Lincolnshire; and Cornwall. 声明旁边, HM Treasury introduced a ‘Level 4’ Devolution Framework (The Levelling up White Paper has three tiers), which identifies powers which Mayoral Combined Authorities may be able to draw down. 

Levelling up Partnerships: have been extended to more places across the UK. 

Manchester Digital works alongside national and regional Government to help develop policies which support and grow our regional tech economy. If you would like to get involved and find out more about our membership, visit: http://1y27.humidifierfinder.com/membership-benefits



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